Glenn A. Gustitus

Security and User Experience: Pushing for Change in the Enterprise Environment


Pushing for change in an enterprise environment is a challenge. Improving the user experience of security solutions that historically have conflated being difficult to use with being more secure, is an even larger challenge. In this talk, Glenn is going to show you why security needs our help, and how to have a positive impact in an environment known for being especially change resilient.

About Glenn

Glenn’s career has been defined by many twists and turns. At one time a software developer writing C++ code for back end solutions, he is now the lead designer, global platform owner, and solution architect for Cerner’s Identity Access Management platform. Glenn spends his time blending UX concepts with a complex global security infrastructure.

When he isn’t at the office, he spends time as an advisor on multiple academic boards as well as organizing a local Identity Access Management User group.

